# Flash Point 60 to 93.3 Celcius

# Selling price comparable to inductrial diesel LDO 


# Furnace industries

# Rolling inductries

# Casting industries

# Road construction industries

# Crude oil distillation plant


# The vital product of pyrolysis plant is Carbon Black referred to as “Charcoal”


# Cement Industries

# Ink Industries

# Rubber Industries

# Carbon Briquietting Plant

# New Tyre Manufacturing

# Rubber Runway

Shoe Sole


# # After completion of pyrolysis process “steel wire” remains as by product which can be removed by wire puller machine after cooling down the reactor


# SteelScrap Industries

# Rolling Mills


# Generally used as a fuel in the same plant for heating purpose

# Used in water eveporating system to eveporate the waste water formed during pyrolysis


  • Scrap vehicle tires contribute significantly to the bulk of waste generated in every country. Landfills with illegally dumped tires are not an uncommon sight. They take up a lot of valuable space. When these tires accidentally catch fire, the fire burns for several days, sometimes months emitting dangerous smoke and polluting the air.
  • Discarded tires in stockpiles become a home for vermin and breeding ground for disease carrying mosquitoes.
  • Tires are built to be strong and durable. A tire is made up of a mixture of steel, textile and rubber with traces of oil and other chemicals. It is non-bio-degradable. It is also necessary to separate these steel and polyester fibres from the rubber.
  • The basic need in tire recycling is size reduction. The rubber must be processed to a saleable particle size for it to be used for other purposes.

Recycling rubber tires means that millions of scrap tires are no longer dumped in landfills, or left illegally in lakes, abandoned lots, along the side of the road and in sensitive habitats. Recycling saves impressive amounts of energy, which ultimately reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Benefits of Recycling

  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
  • Conserves natural resources such as timber, rubber and minerals
  • Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials
  • Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials
  • Saves energy
  • Supports Indian manufacturing and conserves valuable resources
  • Helps create jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in India

Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate change.

Rubber recycling is as old as the industrial use of rubber. In the early 1900’s rubber cost as much as silver and therefore was valuable. It was good sense to reuse as much of this product as possible. Towards the middle of the 20th century cheap oil imports, use of synthetic rubber and development of steel belted radial tires caused the decline of the rubber recycling.But now the tire recycling industry is seeing tremendous growth thanks to the legal framework that requires the safe disposal of scrap tires and innovative economically viable applications for recycled rubber.